A search field is the common field of any website. Hope below some test cases are helpful for you !

  1.   Check the name of search field is correct

  2.   Check whether the the search field can be clicked or not.

  3.   Check whether it is able to type or enter in the search field or not.

  4.   Check placeholder is added to the search field.

  5.   Check the cursor appears after clicking the search icon.

  6.   Check that when the user pastes or copy in the search field.

  7.   Check that when the user can type any alphanumeric, special characters in the search field.

  8.   Check the search function return correct results for the valid keywords.

  9.   Enter any one character in the search field and click on the Search button/press Enter key.

  10.   Enter string more than the max length in search field.

  11.   Enter a string in the search field with spaces (before the string, after the string, and in between) and verify the results.

  12.   Without entering character in the search field then click on the Search button.

  13.   Click in the search field and press Enter key.

  14.   Check the time systems return search results.

  15.   Check the search results are in the correct order as requirement.

  16.   Check if suggestions are shown when adding keywords to the search field.

  17.   Try to drag and drop images, videos or another file in the search field and check the result