Functional Vs Non-Functional Testing

 Functional Vs Non-Functional Testing

1. What is Functional Testing?

Functional testing is a type of testing which verifies that each function of the software application operates in conformance with the requirement specification. This testing mainly involves black box testing, and it is not concerned about the source code of the application.

Every functionality of the system is tested by providing appropriate input, verifying the output and comparing the actual results with the expected results. This testing involves checking of User Interface, APIs, Database, security, client/ server applications and functionality of the Application Under Test. The testing can be done either manually or using automation

2. What is Non-Functional Testing?

Non-functional testing is a type of testing to check non-functional aspects (performance, usability, reliability, etc.) of a software application. It is explicitly designed to test the readiness of a system as per nonfunctional parameters which are never addressed by functional testing.

A good example of non-functional test would be to check how many people can simultaneously login into a software.

Non-functional testing is equally important as functional testing and affects client satisfaction.

3. Difference between Functional Testing and Non Functional Testing

Functional TestingNon-functional Testing
It verifies the operations and actions of an application.It verifies the behavior of an application.
It is based on requirements of customer.It is based on expectations of customer.
It helps to enhance the behavior of the application.It helps to improve the performance of the application.
Functional testing is easy to execute manually.It is hard to execute non-functional testing manually.
It tests what the product does.It describes how the product does.
Functional testing is based on the business requirement.Non-functional testing is based on the performance requirement.