Software Testing

     Software Testing

    1. What is software?

    A Software is a collection of computer programs that helps us to perform a task.
    Types of Software:
    • System software
    Ex: Device drivers, Operating Systems, Servers, Utilities, etc.
    • Programming software
    Ex: compilers, debuggers, interpreters, etc.
    • Application software
    Ex: Web Applications, Mobile Apps, Desktop Applications etc.

    2. What is Software Testing?

    • Software Testing is a part of software development process. 
    • Software Testing is an activity to detect and identify the defects in the software. 
    • The objective of testing is to release quality product to the client.

    3. Why do we need testing?

    • Ensure that software is bug free
    • Ensure that system meets customer requirements and software specifications. 
    • Ensure that system meets end user expectations.
    • Fixing the bugs identified after release is more expensive. 

    4. Error, Bug & Failure

    • Error: Any incorrect human action that produces a problem in the system is called an error.
    • Defect/Bug: Deviation from the expected behavior to the actual behavior of the system is called defect.
    • Failure: The deviation identified by end-user while using the system is called a failure.