Switch tabs in Selenium

                                 Switch tabs in Selenium

  • We have to get all the set of tabs present in the browser.
  • When switching you might need to wait for 5 to 10 seconds for the types of browser windows to get generated.

2 Tabs:

You can switch between the tabs usingdriver.switchTo().window("handle")

String parentID = driver.getWindowHandle();
ArrayList<String> tabs2 = new ArrayList<String> (driver.getWindowHandles());
if(parentID.equals(tabs2.get(0))) {
}else {
// perform your tasks on the newly created window

More than 2 tabs:

You need to bring the loop once you find the target window

String parentID = driver.getWindowHandle();
ArrayList<String> tabs2 = new ArrayList<String> (driver.getWindowHandles());

for (String handle : tabs2) {
  if(driver.getTitle().equals("your wish")) {
// perform your tasks on the newly created window