Test Cases for Error Message

    Test Cases for Error Message

    1. Check the spelling of the error message is correct or not.

    2. Verify the grammar for the error messages is correct.

    3. Verify error message for empty field will be displayed.

    4. Verify the error message uploading an empty file is displayed.

    5. Verify an error message will be displayed for files that are not supported by the system.

    6. Verify message when confirming email/phone registration is duplicated or locked

    7. Verify an error message will be displayed in case characters out of range.

    8. Check the error message that will be displayed for the invalid URL.

    9. An error message will be displayed when a captcha is not valid.

    10. Verify and check error message will be displayed if captcha is not uploaded (may be affected by network)

    11. Verify where the error message should be aligned.

    12. A 500 error message page will be displayed to the user. (when affected by Server)

    13. Verify the time period for the error message to be displayed.

    14. Verify the Alert error messages are not overlapping.