Test Scenarios for Image Upload Functionality


Test Scenarios for Image Upload Functionality

1. Check for the uploaded image path.

2. Check image upload and change functionality.

3. Check image upload functionality with image files of different extensions (For Example, JPEG, PNG, BMP, etc.)

4. Check image upload functionality with images that have space or any other allowed special character in the file name.

5. Check for duplicate name image upload.

6. Check the image upload with an image size greater than the max allowed size. Proper error messages should be displayed.

7. Check image upload functionality with file types other than images (For Example, txt, doc, pdf, exe, etc.). A proper error message should be displayed.

8. Check if images of specified height and width (if defined) are accepted or otherwise rejected.

9. The image upload progress bar should appear for large size images.

10. Check if the cancel button functionality is working in between the upload process.

11. Check if the file selection dialog only shows the supported files listed.

12. Check the multiple images upload functionality.

13. Check image quality after upload. Image quality should not be changed after upload.

14. Check if the user is able to use/view the uploaded images.